Dresdner Wandereule |
Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2003
Nie wieder Kleinopitz
... Comment
jeanluc, 05.10.03, 14:19
oh weh
wo wandern Sie immer her, wenn man da immer faden nachgeschmack abholt. ... Link
shelog, 05.10.03, 14:49
wußte ja nicht, daß man da nichts zu essen kriegt, sonst wär ich woanders hingegangen! ... Link
jeanluc, 05.10.03, 17:15
nächste ma schnittchen mitnehm! und wat zum trinken. thermoskanne leckeren kaffee vielleicht. ... Link
shelog, 05.10.03, 17:39
nehme ich in den Wald mit. Wenn auf der Karte eine Stadt eingetragen ist, erwarte ich da ein Gasthaus. ... Link
elsehiemann, 04.02.06, 22:52
REALLY what is there to eat in Kleinopitz ?
I am visiting Kleinopitz in mid February, my grandmother came from there. We will be arriving by bus. Is there anything to see or do there and will there be anywhere to eat or buy food ? ... Link
shelog, 05.02.06, 16:17
you can buy food and eat in the valley of the Weißeritz, down in Freital. Freital-Burgk has a fine museum in a castle with a cafeteria. When you walk upwards from Freital-Wurgkwitz to Kleinopitz, there is a bakery, but it is closed from saturday 11.00 - sunday. From Kleinopitz you can walk to Tharandt, if you don´t mind the cold wind on the highland. The sight is interesting: mountains and woods. Tharandt is much more interesting than Kleinopitz with its old castle on the rock and you find many shops and cafeterias, because it has a famous academy and many students live here. Alas, the forest garden is closed in winter. Enjoy your stay in Saxony! ... Link
elsehiemann, 05.02.06, 19:12
Food in Kleinopitz
Thank you so much for your reply to my question about Kleinopitz. I also have another question. I think my grandmother was born in Kleinnaundorf not Kleinopitz. We are staying in Gitterseerstr. in Freital. Is it possible to walk from there to Kleinnaundorf or is it too far ? Is there anywhere to eat and drink in Kleinnaundorf. Is it pretty ? Do the old steam trains go there ? Also, how far is Bannewitz from there ? She was christened ( getauft ) in Bannewitz. Is it also possible to walk to Bannewitz form Kleinnaundorf ? So many questions ! I live in London and I have never been to East Germany before ! ... Link
shelog, 05.02.06, 20:55
all articles about Kleinnaundorf, mostly with pictures From Gittersee to Kleinnaundorf you can go by bus Nr. 71 or you can walk on the path which is made from the former steam railway line. You see Kleinnaundorf in the valley and can climb down. If you cross the village (and the valley) on the other side you will meet the former railway line path again and can go to Bannewitz. Kleinnaundorf is pretty but very small and has no special highlights. And no food (there is a restaurant but I didn´t like the view of it and it is seldom open)
When you don´t climb down to Kleinnaundorf but go further on the railway, it leads you to a monument for the terrible mine accident when hundred of miners were killed. ("Bergmannsgrab") In Bannewitz you can have lunch at McDonalds and visit the church. Some steps further and downwards is a nice old mill where you get real food. This way further down you will come to a very interesting castle, Nöthnitz, where the famous Winckelmann had worked as a librarian. ... Link
elsehiemann, 06.02.06, 09:21
thank you shelog
thank you so much for the information, thank you specially for writing in English ! ... Link ... Comment |
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